8th Grade Social Studies

You can find all information for 8th Grade U.S. History on this page!

This is a year long course focusing on United States History.  We will learn about the birth of the United States as a nation through the Cold War.  We will be using the History Alive! textbook and other materials.  This curriculum is designed to be interactive, allowing students to work cooperatively throughout the course.  We will also focus on current events and how those events impact our daily and future lives.

You can find all due dates and important reminders by clicking on the calendar tab.

For all grades and missing assignments see Parent Vue at https://mn-mvps-psv.edupoint.com/PXP2_Login.aspx

Class Syllabus

Class Slides - Use the links below to see slides used in class.

Handouts and Homework Assignments - Find the all assignments and class handouts here.

Slavery Primary Source Analysis - photos

Unit 1: Government
     Constitution Slides